arrow_back   GL0 A Dark and Stormy Night

February 8th, 2025, 5:00PM UTC

Cancelled by Lord DreadRaver(GM David)




3 - 6

computer VTT: Discord Roll20 Hybrid (stream audio/visual enhancements)
3 hours $15 5XP
Lord DreadRaver(GM David) close

Time Zone


GM David
he/him GM 1 year 76 tables played 154 hosted


Old Grognard


Very Experienced

Old Grognard, meaning that I have seen many campaigns and systems in my time but I am not a curmudgeon! I love delving into dangerous dungeons almost as much as I love building and running them! Dedicated to supporting and encouraging people new to the hobby. We should all be here to have fun!

Very Experienced

#Learn to Play

Making your way to the Worldteeth Mountains at the northern fringe of the Moonstone Empire, you find a wild land full of untamed people seeking their fortunes in the Glimmering Gap. Can you make your mark on the place and show the world what kind of a hero you are? This adventure is a prelude to the Glimmering Main plots and a perfect place to start your adventures.

Created by Stephen Radney-MacFarland

Players (0/6)

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