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February 11th, 2025, 5:00AM UTC

Archived in Table History




3 - 6

computer VTT: Roll20
3 hours $15 5XP
Baldegl666 close

Time Zone




Chris Durand
he/him Admin, GM, Player 1 year 106 tables played 300 hosted


Patient, adaptable, the Player's "Forever GM"!!


Very Experienced

Lifelong gamer of all the gaming realms from Atari and TRS80 days to the modern era, Started with Dungeons and Dragons 2E, although I had an original boxed set. Created several campaign worlds for IRL TTRPG games like DnD. Service industry management professional. Avid sports fan and fantasy sports player. Head banging, rhythm and bluesing, funky disco rock and roller!

Very Experienced

#Learn to Play

Making your way to the Worldteeth Mountains at the northern fringe of the Moonstone Empire, you find a wild land full of untamed people seeking their fortunes in the Glimmering Gap. Can you make your mark on the place and show the world what kind of a hero you are? This adventure is a prelude to the Glimmering Main plots and a perfect place to start your adventures.

Created by Stephen Radney-MacFarland

Players (6/6)

Ghost_Face117 close

Time Zone


Player 1 month 3 tables played
visibility Sheet
Quantity: 1
Once per day, this weapon can be activated by its wielder as a bonus action. When activated, the next attack the wielder makes with this weapon before the end of their turn gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Yugiy145 close

Time Zone


he/him Player 1 month 2 tables played
visibility Sheet
swords This player hasn't equipped anything for this session.
Jynn close

Time Zone




she/her Admin, GM, Player 1 year 233 tables played 100 hosted





I am the Principal/Art Director of the design firm Dept of Energy. Be genuine to yourself and do what you love, all with a killer soundtrack playing in the background.
visibility Sheet
Quantity: 1
While wearing these bracers, you have proficiency with longbows and shortbows, and you gain a +2 bonus to ranged to-hit rolls and damage rolls made with such weapons.
Quantity: 1
While wielding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to AC and to-hit rolls and damage done by the shield.
Quantity: 1
While wearing these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the type of terrain you are traversing. You also have advantage on Stealth checks that rely on moving silently.
Rickmaful close

Time Zone


he/him Player 5 months 83 tables played
visibility Sheet
Quantity: 1
When you attune this stone, it orbits your head and confers its benefits on you. Even though it orbits your head, it has an uncanny ability to avoid other creatures attacking it or trying to snatch it, making such actions impossible. While the jumpstone arrowhead orbits your head, you gain +1 LF.
Quantity: 1
Once per day, this weapon can be activated by its wielder as a bonus action. When activated, the next attack the wielder makes with this weapon before the end of their turn gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Quantity: 1
While wielding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to AC and to-hit rolls and damage done by the shield.
XIII close

Time Zone


Specimen XIII
he/him Player 4 weeks 3 tables played
Hello, Adventurer. I am Specimen of the XIII variety.
visibility Sheet
Quantity: 1
This small packet contains a small amount of silvery dust, just enough for one use. You can use an action to throw this dust in the air, and when you do, both yourself and each creature or object within 2 squares of you become invisible for 2d4 minutes. The duration is the same for each creature; the dust is consumed when you use it. If a creature affected by the dust makes a to-hit roll, casts a spell, or activates a magic item, the duration ends for that creature.
Quantity: 1
This dagger is made to get past the resistance of creatures with resistances or immunities susceptible to silvered weapons, like wererats, werewolves, and the like. Other than that, it functions like a normal dagger.
Quantity: 1
Once per day, this weapon can be activated by its wielder as a bonus action. When activated, the next attack the wielder makes with this weapon before the end of their turn gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Quantity: 1
While wearing this cloak with its hood up, you suffer disadvantage on Perception checks relying on sight, but you have advantage on Stealth checks made to hide. Pulling the hood up or down is a Quick action.
Oggigi close

Time Zone


Player 3 months 58 tables played
visibility Sheet
Quantity: 1
Cold to the touch, this blue vial contains primordial liquid ice. The glass breaks when thrown at a creature or object, releasing its icy liquid. As an action, you can throw this vial up to 30 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the rime vial as an improvised weapon. The target takes 1d6 cold damage on a hit and must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it suffers a -10 penalty to all its Speeds and has disadvantage on attacks and Strength and Dexterity ability checks until the end of its next turn.
Quantity: 1
You regain 2d4 + 2 Hit Points when you drink this potion. Drinking the potion requires a bonus action while feeding this potion to another requires an action.
Quantity: 1
When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour. A roll of a d10 determines the type of damage: 1 Acid; 2 Cold; 3 Fire; 4 Force; 5 Lightning; 6 Necrotic; 7 Poison; 8 Psychic; 9 Radiant; 10 Thunder.
Quantity: 1
This scroll bears the words of the 1st-level spell listed above written in a mystical cipher. If the spell is on your class spell list, or it is a spell that you could normally cast, you can read the scroll and cast the spell without the need for a spellcasting implement. Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible. Casting the spell by reading the scroll requires the spell’s normal casting time. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the scroll is not lost.
Quantity: 1
This wand can be used as an arcane spellcasting implement. This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use a focused action to expend 1 or more of its chargers to cast the magic missile spell (as a 1st-level caster). With 1 charge you can cast the spell normally; if you expend 3 charges, you can cast the spell as its sacrifice effect. The wand regains any spent charges after you finish a daily rest.
Quantity: 1
While wearing this charm, you are immune to contracting any disease. If you are already infected with a disease, the disease’s effects are suppressed while you wear the charm.
Quantity: 1
While you wear this cloak, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and saves.
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