
Custom Content Level 1:

A Poke in the Eye, Eh?


February 7th, 2025, 1:00AM UTC

Cancelled by Lord DreadRaver(GM David)




3 - 6

computer VTT: Discord Roll20 Hybrid (stream audio/visual enhancements)
4 hours $15 5XP
Lord DreadRaver(GM David) close

Time Zone


GM David
he/him GM 1 year 70 tables played 136 hosted


Old Grognard


Very Experienced

Old Grognard, meaning that I have seen many campaigns and systems in my time but I am not a curmudgeon! I love delving into dangerous dungeons almost as much as I love building and running them! Dedicated to supporting and encouraging people new to the hobby. We should all be here to have fun!

Very Experienced


View GM


Game Master Notes close

"A Poke in the Eye, Eh?" is a challenging adventure that will test your party's skills in infiltration, combat, and magic. It offers a unique and exciting opportunity to work for a powerful and influential organization and to earn a substantial reward for your efforts. Learn about the most advanced applications of jumpstone-powered alchemy, and its consequences for the Moonstone Empire.


This is a level 1 custom content adventure. This can be any L1 5e adventure, chosen by the GM. Check the GM Notes for details.

Created by Lord DreadRaver AKA DM David C

Players (0/6)

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