
Custom Content Level 1 - Part 1:

Shadows of Nekoya


July 16th, 2024, 12:30AM UTC

Archived in Table History




3 - 6

computer VTT: Roll20
3 hours $15 5XP
tieflingbardnyx close

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she/her, they/them Player, GM 5 months 0 tables played 1 hosted






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Game Master Notes close

In the cursed forest of Kamimura, the trees whisper secrets to those who dare to listen. The forest has already claimed several villages, and its cursed reach is encroaching on the rest of the country. Rumors abound of a powerful druid who once cared for the forest but has since lost control. Will you break the curse and save the people, or will you become yet another victim of Nekoya’s deadly embrace? Immerse yourself in the mystical land of Kamimura and embark on a perilous adventure of love, sacrifice, and revenge in “Shadows of Nekoya.” Inspired by Japanese folktales, JRPGs, and Studio Ghibli, this complete adventure campaign will take you from levels 1 - 13 in Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

#Learn to Play
#Heavy Roleplay

This is a level 1 custom content adventure (part 1 of 2). This can be any L1 5e adventure, chosen by the GM. Check the GM Notes for details.

Created by Legendary Adventure Press

Players (4/6)

Baldegl666 close

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Chris Durand
he/him Player, GM 1 year 78 tables played 111 hosted





Lifelong gamer of all the gaming realms from Atari and TRS80 days to the modern era, Started with Dungeons and Dragons 2E, although I had an original boxed set. Created several campaign worlds for IRL TTRPG games like DnD. Service industry management professional. Avid sports fan and fantasy sports player. Head banging, rhythm and bluesing, funky disco rock and roller!
visibility Sheet
Quantity: 1
You regain 2d4 + 2 Hit Points when you drink this potion. Drinking the potion requires a bonus action while feeding this potion to another requires an action.
Quantity: 1
This wand has 3 charges. It can be used as an arcane, divine, or primal spellcasting implement. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges, and if a secret door or a trap is within 30 feet of you, the wand pulses and points at the one nearest you. The wand regains expended charges daily at dawn.
Quantity: 1
This wand can be used as an arcane implement. This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the detect magic spell from it. You can expend 3 charges from it to sacrifice and cast detect magic. The wand regains all its charges when you finish a daily rest.
Quantity: 1
This seemingly ordinary bag is made of gray cloth with a simple pull-string, which seems empty though strangely heavy. Reaching inside the bag reveals the presence of a small, furry object. You can use a focused action to pull the fuzzy object from the bag and throw it up to 4 squares. When the object lands, it transforms into a creature. The type of creature it transforms into is determined by the roll of a d8 (1-weasel; 2-giant rat; 3-badger; 4-boar; 5-panther; 6-giant badger; 7-dire wolf; 8-giant elk). The creature is friendly to you and your companions and acts on your turn. You can use a quick action to command the creature. Without such commands, the creature acts appropriately to its nature, as determined by the GM. The creature remains for 1 hour or until it reaches 0 HP, at which point it vanishes. Once you pull a creature out of the bag, you can’t do so again until you finish a daily rest.
Dester close

Time Zone


he/him Player 3 months 1 tables played
visibility Sheet
swords This player hasn't equipped anything for this session.
Hatteras close

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he/him Player 3 months 1 tables played
visibility Sheet
swords This player hasn't equipped anything for this session.
Lord DreadRaver
Lord DreadRaver close

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The GM FKA David
he/him GM 1 year 51 tables played 76 hosted


Old Grognard


Very Experienced

Old Grognard, meaning that I have seen many campaigns and systems in my time but I am not a curmudgeon! I love delving into dangerous dungeons almost as much as I love building and running them! Dedicated to supporting and encouraging people new to the hobby. We should all be here to have fun!
visibility Sheet
Quantity: 1
By defeating or at least driving off the feared Wizard’s Retinue bandit band, you have become a hero to the town of Riverwynd. While in that town, you are always recognized as a hero and never have to pay for reasonable food, drink, and lodging. You gain a +1 bonus on all CHA-based skill checks made against its inhabitants. However, remember that mistreatment of this boon may temporarily revoke these benefits at the GM’s discretion.
Quantity: 1
You have been marked with a small arrowhead tattoo with a Gebli glyph at the top, meaning friend. This tattoo marks you as a friend of the Bethniru goblin tribe of the Worldteeth Mountains. If shown this mark, the Bethniru will grant you aid, shelter, and food within reason.
Quantity: 1
Upon service rendered to the Order of the Moon, Commander Regnar Scweb of the Borgahild Chapterhouse invited you to become an esquire of the Order. This Imperial order of knights is best known for their delivery of packages and letters throughout the Empire and even to some points beyond. If you accept this invitation, you must follow the principles of the Order. You must protect and safely deliver messages. You must aid the innocent and the needy. And you can speak no lies. As a member of the Order, you are given a tunic with the order's sigil and your rank. You also gain food and lodging at any Imperial order chapterhouse, and the Order provides protection and legal advocacy when necessary.
Quantity: 1
While wearing these bracers, you have proficiency with longbows and shortbows, and you gain a +2 bonus to ranged to-hit rolls and damage rolls made with such weapons.
Quantity: 1
While you wear this cloak, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and saves.
Quantity: 1
You must be proficient with some wind instrument to both attune yourself to and use these pipes, and they can be used as a bardic spellcasting implement. The pipes have 3 charges. You can use a focused action to play them and expend 1 charge to create an eerie, spellbinding tune. Each creature within 6 squares of you that hears you play must succeed a DC 15 WIS save or become frightened of you for 1 minute. If you wish, all creatures in the area that aren’t hostile toward you automatically succeed the save. A creature that fails the save can repeat it at the end of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeds its save against these pipes is immune to its effect for 24 hours. The pipe regains any used charges when you finish a daily rest.
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